I love sharing my travel stories with you guys, but I also get emails from and have met some of the most awesome travel addicts around the globe. Starting today I’ll be sharing a bit about their stories too in a new series called Featured #TravelAddict. First up is Ornella, a medical student and blogger […]
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RSS feed for this sectionTravel stories and other travel related posts and discussion from an African American/Black solo female traveler.
Blackberry Z10 Update
A couple of weeks ago I announced that I’m now a Verizon Wireless Ambassador. And with this honor, free phone and service, I’ll be reviewing and sharing my thoughts on the Blackberry Z10. Here’s an update on my first 2 weeks as a Blackberry Z10 owner It was a bit of a rocky start start […]
Jamaica Bacchanal 2013: J’ouvert
Janeen is back with part two of Jamaica Bacchanal 2013. This time she talks J’ouvert! Really hate I missed this. Check it out, and don’t forget to link with Janeen on her Facebook page, The Dryland Tourist! Beach J’ouvert J’ouvert is a staple of West Indian Carnivals, the celebrations differ on each island but two […]
Jamaica Bacchanal 2013: Socarobics and Bacchanal Fridays
Hey travel lovers! Can you believe I’ve never been to a carnival before!?!? Well, I’ve been to Atlanta’s Carnival, but that’s not quite the same as winin’ it up in the Caribbean or getting my samba on in Rio. I vow to change that in 2014, but in the mean time, I’m happy to have […]
Five Destinations on My Travel Bucket List
As the saying goes, I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list. This Susan Sontag quote definitely holds true for me in the last prompt of the Traveling Brown Girls Carnival. Here are 5 (of many) destinations on my travel bucket list India My infatuation with India started in high school and the cute […]