Hi, I’m April! What’s your destination?
What I really want to know is: Where are you in your life right now? And, more importantly, where do you dream of going?
My mission is to help travel-minded entrepreneurs and 9-5 women design the way they will move through the world.
“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.” ~Maya Angelou
Whether you’re…
a corporate professional seeking more from life and want to see if extended travel is for you,
an entrepreneurial spirit ready to jump start your true purpose by mixing business and travel,
or an introvert stuck in her shell worried about whether it’s safe to be on the road alone.
I invite you to join me on the road to less regrets.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” ~H. Jackson Brown
How did my travel journey begin?
I got my first travel-writing assignment and left for the Philippines at age two!
Okay, it wasn’t really a writing gig, it was a military relocation for my family back in 1984. But growing up in a military town afforded me the luxury of experiencing people from diverse cultures very early in my life, and I attribute that experience as being the catalyst for my love of all things travel and cultural exploration.
Today I’ve expanded that experience to include 20 countries and counting. Along the way I’ve unearthed ways to travel while working full time, get over my fear of going solo, find creative ways to fund it, and even take my business overseas for up to six months at a time.
How did I make it happen? Because I’ve held one unwavering intention:
Stop travel dreaming, start travel doing!
That intention led me to my decision to “Quit The Life” and after 18 months of preparation, decide not to go to business school. Now, I’ve made a habit of designing a life that feeds my curiosities.
I shifted my professional commitments to encompass more of my love for digital marketing for tourism companies and coaching others to make their travel dreams a reality.
Living my life out loud has opened doors to interviewing First Lady Michelle Obama (see below), landing a feature in Essence Magazine, amassing long list of published travel articles, earning a spot as a panelist at the 2011 Conference on Social Media and Tourism, and more.
I’m deeply grateful for the amazing experiences I’ve had and people I’ve met along the way bringing new perspective and unimaginable value to my life.

A Few Fun Facts about Me:
- My favorite indulgence include anything red velvet and if you haven’t heard, I’m the cupcake connoisseur.
- Can’t live without faith and hope (in either order).
- I have a BS and MS in Engineering and worked in defense before switching to sales and marketing.
- My name is April (Yes, I was born in April), but my Ghanaian soul name, as a Wednesday born, is Akua.
- I have a major soft spot in my heart for Jamaica and I support the Golden Age Home, a government-owned senior facility, when I’m on the island.
- Doing what you want to do in life, when and how you want to do it, is the true essence of living it up!