
Support PUMA-Fortis 5k Run/Walk

Puma Fortis 5k Kingston JamaicaI’ve always been a big supporter of education, whether that be formally though books and schooling or more experiential through exposure and experiences like giving teens their first passport.

So I’m happy to show my support for the PUMA-Fortis 5k on May 26th (Kingston, Jamaica) in support of educational and sports initiatives at Kingston College and Alpha Boys’ School.

Want your 2013 Puma-Fortis 5k Registration Covered?

I can’t be there physically, but I’m sponsoring a team of 10 runners/walkers to support the cause.

For a chance to win complimentary registration as a part of the Absolute Travel Addict team, please leave a comment 1.) confirming that you will be in Kingston on May 26th (7am start time) and 2.) what school colors you’ll be wearing by 11:59PM ET on May 17th.  On Saturday, May 18th, I’ll announce the winners with an update on this blog post.

Here’s how you can help!

Not going to be in town and still want to support the cause? Share this post with your friends and link with the PUMA-Fortis team on Facebook (Facebook.com/Fortis5KRun) and Twitter (@Fortis5KRun)

You can also register for the race as a donation or for a friend/family member here: www.runningeventsja.com/registration/FORTIS2013

Kingstin Jamaica Puma fortis 5k Run flyer

More about the charitable causes

kingston College crest kingston jamaica

The brave may fall, but never yield.

Kingston College

The Reverend Percival Gibson envisioned a school that would produce well-balanced men of integrity and character who would become leaders and set an example in public life and other pursuits. In 1925 he opened the doors of Kingston College 49 students.

KC has produced over 2,000 grads who have become Olympic athletes and Rhodes scholars; politicians and scientists; engineers and doctors; teachers and businessmen; artists and musicians; professors and poets; and men in many other endeavors.

Alpha Boys School Kingston Jamaica

Alpha Boys’ School 

Founded in 1880, Alpha Boys’ School in Kingston, Jamaica has a rich and deep history of service to boys who have come from very hard circumstances and have struggled to navigate society. Known world wide for its music program, Alpha Boys’ School has produced musical greats such as several members of the Skattilites and King Yellowman among many others.

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  • Mike says...

    I had a great time in Jamaica, love it and will do it again.

  • Rick Case says...

    Thanks for your help April!

  • Meaghan Frauts says...

    I will be in Kingston May 26th! I will wear blue if that’s the team colour 🙂

    • Awesome! Glad to have you. Will be reaching out soon with more details. Stay tuned.

  • Sarah says...

    Sounds like a great cause. I wish you lots of success. I certainly agree about the importance of education, regardless of if it’s formal or self-taught. 🙂

  • Sean says...

    I’d love to be apart of this. I’ll be in Kingston and wearing grey and red. I love Andrews Girls 🙂

  • Kiwayne says...

    I’ll be in Kingston and would love to participate on your team, wearing purple. And I’m a first-timer as well.

    • Glad to have you Kimwayne! Is the purple because you are you a KC grad?

      • Kiwayne says...

        Yes, and proud to be associated with the rich tradition, knowledge and to have been afforded the opportunity to develop as a Fotisan. Initially, work would have prevented my participation, but I’m happy you can accomodate me. Much thanks and appreciation.

        • Awesome! Glad it worked out. You’re welcome! And looking forward to meeting you and all of the team when I’m back in JA next month.

          • Kiwayne says...

            I can’t wait and thank you. Looking forward to being a part of the team.

  • klieon says...

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO down for this! I guess blue is my colour

    • YAY! Wasn’t sure if people wanted to rep school colors of what, but looking like team blue it is…

  • Symone Ludford says...

    Yes I will be in Kingston and would love to participate. This will be my first time…excited. I’m wearing blue…count me in!

  • Janeen Johnson says...

    I’m nervous about doing a 5K but there is always a first for everything so I am in. Come on Guys it will be fun and for a good cause.Sign up!

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