Search results: jamaica

Happy 50th Independence Day Jamaica

Happy 50th Independence Day Jamaica! The last (almost) 3 years exploring the island have been an amazing ride. And, this past week of Olympic, emancipation and independence celebrations has been one I won’t soon forget. While Jamaica may not be the land of my birth, it’s definitely a land I love. Things aren’t perfect in Jamaica, but I’m […]

Five Reasons I Choose Island Car Rental Jamaica

Island Car Rentals Logo

One of the hardest parts about living in Jamaica is not having my car. Because I have no idea how long I’ll actually be here and shipping costs and duty fees are astronomical, my little Honda Civic continues to sit in Atlanta until I return for it or sell it Getting around Kingston and other […]

30 Days in Jamaica Video Blog Series

Vlog Everyday in August #SSSVEDA

Hey folks! I’m back again for the second time today with a special announcement…. I’m participating in the Savvy Sexy Social VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August)!!! YAY!! So for the next 30 straight days (like it or not), you’ll be getting videos from moi, all about life here in Jamaica. Don’t worry, I won’t be […]

Jamaica 50 Giveaway

Jamaica Emancipation Day Aug 1

Happy Emancipation Day Jamaica! Today kicks off a host of celebrations all over the island of Jamaica culminating with Independence Day on August 6th! So for all of the Jamaicans and Jamaica lovers out there, I’m offering this giveaway for you! In support of the Jamaica 50 1 Million pins of pride initiative, I’m giving […]

Jamaica Road Trip

The Queen Sheba Hut at Great Huts

I’ve said it a million times before and today is no different. The best way hands down to explore Jamaica (at least for me) is to rent a car and just drive! It’s funny because for a long time, I was never a fan of driving, but in Jamaica every time you get in the […]