I love what I do! Sharing my travel and marketing expertise to help travelers (current and aspiring) and travel brands reach their goals makes my heart smile. What’s more awesome is when they are inspired to take action and profit from my work! Check out what Absolute Travel Addict clients have to say:

I scheduled a 1 hour session with April for advice and feedback on my current progress toward a location independent lifestyle.
April is a great sounding board and listening ear and made me feel like I didn’t have to be alone in this process. She was prepared prior to our call and sought out alternatives outside the realm of my initial thought process.
Her willingness to answer questions about herself as well as her recommendations on how to get into the travel film industry all the while using my current skill set in the education sector were the highlight out our call.
Based on her recommendations, I’ve been commissioned to create a series of travel videos and started and contribute monthly to a travel savings fund.
She exceeded my expectations, especially with the follow up email of excellent resources. I highly recommend April’s services, not only for those seeking location independent vocations and travel advice, but also those pursuing new careers.
Today there is lot of unsuspected condition which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without formula? There are sundry drugs for male impotency cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most vital info you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, regard “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common undesirable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local soundness care purveyor if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.

During our one-on-one coaching session I learned about career options that I didn’t think were available to me, more cost effective ways to lodge and other practical travel tips. I realize travel is possible [for our family]. I have a renewed passion and have already started planning.
I recommend April to everyone I know because so many people are afraid to travel.
Today there is lot of unsuspected condition which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without prescription? There are sundry drugs for male impotence cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most vital data you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, consider “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common undesirable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local soundness care purveyor if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.

Your travel blog is very inspiring to me. Since I’ve come back from my spring trip, I’ve asked myself a lot of questions about how I can create my own path for working more on my own terms while continuing to travel.
Your Roadmap to Making Your Travel Dreams Come True pdf reminds me that lots of action needs to be created–physical and spiritual–in order to make this happen. Just “wishing” doesn’t get me back to the island country I want to return to, in addition to going to other countries! Your guide is well written, especially to help people take action on their travel dreams.
Today there is lot of unsuspected status which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without prescription? There are sundry drugs for male impotency cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most vital data you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, view “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common undesirable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local health care provider if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.

Just wanted to let you know that you have really inspired me. Thank you so much for following your dream, thus giving others the courage to follow theirs.

My family and I owe April a huge debt of gratitude. I followed her recommendations and found the perfect little apartment in a location that offered us everything we could have asked for and more. April helped us organize aspects of our business while in Jamaica like other handy information. She’s the best resource for all-things-Jamaica-travel, and I’m still reaping the benefits of her wealth of knowledge.
Today there is lot of unsuspected condition which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without prescription? There are sundry drugs for male impotency cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most substantial information you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, regard “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common undesirable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local health care producer if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.

I’ve always had a love for travel and world cultures, but I didn’t always know what to do with that passion. Meeting April definitely helped me move forward… Her travels and her writing are inspiring and I’m so glad that I can call her a friend and a mentor.
Travel Brands

I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with April in various ideation sessions…from marketing strategy to mobile app development. The projects we’ve worked on have all benefited tremendously from her input.
Her breadth of knowledge, logical way of distilling that information and unmistakable dedication to quality/perfection are the best things about working with her. It’s comforting knowing the person you are collaborating with will stop at nothing to deliver the very best…and even then, will see to better that best the next time.
I continue to recommended April and her services any chance I get as her breadth of knowledge of digital marketing and its practical applications is not common. Tying this with her work ethic, it becomes quite easy to recommend her.
I hope that her endeavours are as appreciated amongst her other clients as they are with me. She support my projects as if they are her own, and that level of ownership is unheralded in today’s fast-paced world.
Today there is lot of unsuspected state which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without prescription? There are sundry drugs for male impotence cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most vital information you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, view “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common undesirable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local soundness care producer if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.

Thank you for our one on one consultation and marketing guidance for my photography effort. My calendar sales have already started and I have yet to announce the official launch for 2014!
Without your advice and suggestions, I would not be scheduled in the Caribbean next month! Thanks April!

Thanks April. This [social media marketing advice] is gold! Brilliant! You’re so consistent and always there for us!

Club Mobay is open less than 6 months, but due to persons like you the demand has gone through the roof. Thank you again – as it is words like this from seasoned travellers who make it all worthwhile. I can certainly see that [travel writing and promotions] is your passion … and to be honest you have a great way with the pen.
Today there is lot of unsuspected state which force individuals to take medicines. What can we order without recipe? There are sundry drugs for male impotency cure. If you’re concerned about sexual problem, you have to learn about “viagra substitute” and “where to buy viagra“. What is the most vital information you must know about “how to get viagra“? Don’t forget, regard “where to get viagra“. What are the treatments sexual problems? The most common objectionable side effects of such medications like Viagra is stuffy or runny nose. Contact local health care purveyor if you have any dangerous side effect that bothers you. Do not keep out-of-date medicaments. Take them to your local apothecary which will dispose of them for you.